[Our Calendar]

Our 2024-25 Spring  Summer activities program

We are excited to publish our new walk calendar for the Spring- Summer program for 2024-25. There are plenty of great activities planned, including bike rides, canoe trips and multi-day walks. Check out the calendar below. 

We have a few long-distance, multi-day walks planned that will be open via expression of interest to club members only. 

Members will be emailed a program with our walk leader's contact details. Non-members can download the program here. 

Please note that registration for day walks closes 24 hours before the walk.  The cut-off for multi-day walks will be at least 48 hours unless otherwise specified in the walk description. 

Members should contact the walk leader directly via text or phone using the details provided. Some walks do not have a scheduled date and call for expressions of interest. Members should complete the form.

Non-members can complete a visitor's pass form. 

Activities Calendar

Please note that our walks are subject to change if the weather is unfavourable or there is a change in the walk leader's availability.  This calendar is updated regularly, but please check out our Facebook page for up-to-the-minute variations.  Members and registered walkers will be emailed. Before you join a walk, have a look at the track grading and decide if it matches your fitness and experience.  You can read about the Club's track grading system here. 

This calendar also includes details on our social activities and meetings.